The Industrial Areas Foundation seeks to recruit, train, and develop a new generation of organizers to work in existing groups and to assist in new strategies and targeted campaigns.
The IAF seeks women and men from colleges, graduate programs, seminaries, business and law schools, the military, political campaigns, and other professions who are interested in exploring careers in organizing.
The IAF seeks women and men from colleges, graduate programs, seminaries, business and law schools, the military, political campaigns, and other professions who are interested in exploring careers in organizing.
Qualities of a Successful Organizer
Not necessarily degrees, but the ability to think, reflect, communicate, challenge the conventional wisdom, make judgments in complicated situations, and show flexibility. ANGER AND EDGE Not temper, not ideological fervor, not an abstract commitment to “the people,” but a clear sense of what’s wrong, impatience in the face of that wrong, and a drive to address it. A WILLINGNESS TO CROSS RACE AND CULTURE To be willing to work with people unlike oneself, people of other races, classes, orientations, faiths. A TRACK RECORD Some evidence, in high school, college, the local community, the workplace of attempting to relate to people and to respond to situations that seemed to demand responses; and some success in whatever field or career or endeavor has occupied the individual’s time. |
Email us to explore a career in organizing.